Treating Hair Loss with Essential Oils

Treating Hair Loss with Essential Oils

Hair loss can happen to any of us, and for a variety of different reasons. From diet to hormones, scalp health to lifestyle, the healthiness and condition of our hair is oftentimes a direct reflection of our internal health too, mentally, physically or both. 

That is why treating such an issue with consistency is crucial. More often than not, it took a little while for your hair to get to the condition it is in, therefore it may take some time for it to heal and recover. This is something that I had to learn the hard way! In an age where 'quick fixes' are sold to us all left, right and centre, we tend to expect to be able to stick a big band-aid over an issue and hope it will resolve overnight. But that isn't the holistic way to care for the self. Holistic self-care means to treat the mind, body and soul on every level, so that true and deep nourishment is being given to your vessel as a whole. 

So, alongside essential oil blends and hair masks, keeping a healthy, balances diet with lots of dark, leafy greens, reducing the key stressors in your daily life and being mindful of the chemicals being put into your body are all equally, if not more, important, as they treat the root causes of the hair issues. 

That being said, essential oils help tremendously with keeping the scalp clean and clarified, as well as stimulating growth and rejuvenation of the hair follicles. 

I have comprised a list of some of the key essential oils that you can add to the carrier oil of your choice. Simply add a few drop to some oil, warm it up and massage into your hair and scalp. The more often you do this, the faster the results will be. Remember, you deserve to be consistent with yourself!

Essential oils have been used in remedies to treat conditions such as hair loss since the ancient times. Some of the main ones include:

Rosemary: Rosemary is very popular in hair treatments as it helps to stimulate the scalp, boosting circulation and cell regeneration, therefore promoting new growth. This oil helps to increase blood flow in the skin, which is also why we use it in our anti-ageing Green Tea Fae Mask

Lavender: Antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, lavender oil helps to heal and soothe the hair and scalp, allowing new growth and also cleansing the scalp to ensure follicles are healthy. Its cleansing properties are also why this gorgeous oil is formulated in our Lavender Willow Charcoal Mask!

Peppermint: This stimulating oil helps to boost the circulation of blood to the scalp, promoting the production of new hair growth, as well as speeding up the growth of the hair in general. 

Clary Sage: This oil isn't one that we initially think of when it comes to hair growth, but it works similarly to lavender oil as the linalyl acetate content helps to reduce irritation due to its soothing properties, boosting production as well as strengthening the hair.

Tea Tree: An oil great for cleansing and detoxing the skin, ensuring that any blocked hair follicles are cleared and that the scalp is clear of any dandruff (which can result in hair loss). 

Ylang-Ylang: For hair that is excessively dry, this oil helps to boost moisture of the scalp by stimulating the sebaceous glands (not an ideal oil for oily hair types).

Cedarwood: Anti-fungal and antibacterial, this oil balances the production of sebum on the scalp. Excess oil or excess dryness can both lead to hair loss, therefore balancing the oil production helps to prevent balding and damaged follicles. 

Thyme: Similar to peppermint oil, thyme oil also stimulates the scalp and promoting the production of hair growth, as well as preventing hair loss. 

While carrier oils such as almond, castor or coconut are amazing, try to add some amla oil into the blend too for some extra hair rejuvenating TLC. You will not regret it!

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