Seasonal Skincare

Seasonal Skincare

Our skin requirements change with the seasons. What works during the summer, might not work as well during the winter. What tends to happen is that our skin becomes drier, more sensitive, and even a bit flakier for a variety of reasons. The cold weather, along with the sudden bursts of electric heaters and central heating, means that our skincare routine is crying out for a switch-up. 

Staying hydrated has a big part to play. Maintaining a natural glow in winter means optimal hydration, in both skincare and in what you consume. Even simple things, such as swapping your coffee, which dehydrates you, for some herbal tea, or incorporating more greens into your winter stock pantry, can make a profound and lasting difference. 

In terms of skincare, ensure that the cleanser you are using is not the same foaming, stripping face wash that you use for sweaty, summer skin. Your winter cleanser, ideally, should be much gentler, seeing as you need to keep all of the oils you can get. Milk-based, oil based or cream-based cleansers are the best options. This is to protect the skin’s barrier, keep it hydrated and prevent from any useful oils being unnecessarily stripped away. Oil cleansing is a particularly effective method for pulling makeup, dirt and build-up from the pores. 

When it comes to moisturising, use a product that has a creamier consistency, as opposed to the lighter lotions and gels that we use during the warmer months. Oils are a great option too, as they help to repair and seal the barrier of the skin, nourishing the cells and locking in that oh-so-important hydration. Our Moonstone Balm is a great balm to use for drier skin types, as it is packed with helpful antioxidants and fatty acids that truly lock in moisture and nourishment. Other specific ingredients to look out for include things like hyaluronic acid, which draws moisture to the skin, really upping the levels of hydration. Remember that it is always best to apply your skincare on wet or damp skin. Totally drying your skin after cleansing does more damage than good, as wet skin also allows the products to sink in deeper, fulfilling the optimal potential of the ingredients. 

Don’t forget your body, lips and hair, too. Lather on a deeply hydrating body cream or body oil, including your hands, and remember to constantly hydrate your lips. The lips are always prone to the chilly weather, so ensuring that they are protectively sealed is super important. The scalp is also prone to extra dryness or dandruff, therefore ensure that you give it some extra TLC by doing things like hot oil treatments, conditioning and massages. 

Supplements are another great way to ensure your skin and hair stay happy and healthy during the colder, darker months. Making sure that you get a healthy intake of vitamin D, for example, is a start. Herbs and nutrients are another thing to look into, with many helping you to glow from the inside out, particularly things like turmeric, aloe vera, green tea and rose. 

So, as our skincare changes with the seasons, we also get the chance to figure what our skin likes and what it doesn’t. By observing what our skin needs, we understand it better, resulting in a more specific and effective skincare routine. 

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