Rose Feminine Balance Blend

Rose Feminine Balance Blend

rose aromatherapy holistic healing anxiety stress depression healing plants wellness wellbeing skincare natural remedies

We absolutely love working with rose. It is such a soothing, calming flower with so many intensely healing properties. For centuries, the rose has been associated with the feminine. Being a symbol of the goddess, love, beauty and emotions, it is no wonder why the rose is used to treat feminine hormone imbalances and all stages of a woman's cycle, from PMS to menopause and much more. Using essential oils that help to re-balance hormones and mood fluctuations in aromatherapy and skincare can help tremendously. It is believed that many essential oils can do this due to their phytoestrogen content, which is a compound thought to behave quite similarly to the female hormone oestrogen. 

Below is a blend that can do just that, with each oil helping to balance emotions and other effects of hormonal imbalace. 

This blend can be used for so many different things, for example:

-In a diffuser or oil burner

-In a bath salt blend by adding the oil to some Epsom salts (around 1 cup of salts for this essential oil recipe) 

-In an oil blend to apply topically on the skin or to add to your bath or shower. For the blend recipe provided, add the essential oils to 100ml oil to make a body oil

rose aromatherapy holistic healing anxiety stress depression healing plants wellness wellbeing skincare natural remedies

The calming essential oils required for this blend include:

5 drops of rose oil

5 drops of geranium oil

5 drops of clary sage oil

5 drops of patchouli 

Rose is such a healing flower to work with in aromatherapy due to its ability to relieve spasms and tension both internally and externally. Its calming properties are heightened with the equally soothing geranium and clary sage oils that are known for their antidepressant and relaxant benefits. Patchouli oil is another gorgeous grounding oil can relax the mind, reducing sympathetic nerve activity by 40% and alleviating the tensions we experience when we feel the emotional impact of fluctuating hormonal imbalance. 

Plant magic to the rescue once again!

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