Essential Oils for the Chakras

Essential Oils for the Chakras

The ancients have always been aware of, and aligned with, the connection between nature and the spirit. Plant medicine has been an integral part of a numerous amount of deep-rooted, ancient cultures, such as Native American tribes, the Aztecs, Ancient Egyptians and in Ayurveda. The influence plants and their healing properties can have on us holistically, from our minds, bodies and spirits, can be so incredibly nourishing.

Natural self-care is on the rise, and for good reason. In a world full of stress, artificial plastics and chemicals, we as people are growing increasingly out of alignment with our Selves. 

This is where plant medicine can come in, in the form of the pure essential oils sourced from hundreds of different plants and flowers, all with their own botanical essence and energy signature.

So where do our chakras come into all of this? Well, the concept of the chakra system dates back thousands of years in early Sanskrit texts mentioning these wheel-like energy centres that are responsible for the flow and balance of energies within our subtle body. If you're interested in reading more about meditation practices regarding the chakras, I recommend reading one of our first blog posts on the power of meditation here. 

You've probably heard all about the root chakra, the heart chakra, the third eye and solar plexus, but how do we use the healing power of plant medicine to balance these energy centres? There are a number of ways to work with essential oils. For example:

-Using essential oils diluted in a carrier oil to massage the areas where the chakra is, or using the oils to assist with ETF tapping, alongside repeating affirmations, on the area.

-Using the essential oils in aromatherapy, in humidifiers, oil burners, incense, candles, sprays or pulse points to name a few. Browse our aromatherapy collection here. 

-In self-care such as baths, showers or body oils. 

Here is a list of what oils suit each chakra. However, there are hundreds of essential oils and lots more aren't listed. If there is a particular chakra you wish to work on, definitely do some research into your full list of options, if you prefer. 


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